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Farnell element14 – Wireless microcontroller targets Bluetooth Smart applications (Texas Instruments CC2640)

 The Texas Instruments (TI)  CC2640 is now providing with a member of the CC26xx family devices that are cost effective, takes ultra low power and works on 2.4 GHz RF from the Farnell elements 14. This devices takes up very low active RF and MCU current for its functionality. Works under low power mode current consumption. hence providing long life batteries. Thus making it very effective inn operations on small coin cell batteries in some applications.  This CC2640 has a 32 bit ARM Cortex -M3 processor which is running at a high speed of 48 MHz as it works as the main processor. This is equipped with rich peripheral features set, that has a ultra low sensor controller. It also collects the analogue and Digital data itself while the system is in sleep mode.

This bluetooth low energy equipped controller is embedded in ROM and it normally runs partially on ARm Cortex -M0 processor. This architecture frees up the flash memory.


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