
Maxim’s Dual Channel Transceiver Adopted by Omron for IO-Link Sensor Applications

Intelligent sensors enabled by MAX14827A reduce maintenance and increase uptime with continuous diagnostics and monitoring

Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. (NASDAQ:MXIM) announced that its MAX14827Adual IO-Link® transceiverhas been adopted by Omron Corporation. The high-performing device from Maxim, which utilizesIO-Link sensorsto reduce maintenance and increase uptime, provides continuous diagnostics and monitoring at Omron’s customers’ production sites. It dissipates >50% less heat than other solutions and is the smallest solution available.

IO-Link, a standardized IO technology which has rapidly been adopted in Europe, is now tracking on the same growth curve in the Japan market. It has recently been attracting attention as a technology to realize smart factory applications by seamlessly connecting facilities with various plant sensors through digital communications. Recognizing the importance of IO-Link, Maxim has developed a variety of products using IO-Link technology, including products like the MAX14827A IO-Link dual-channel transceiver in new Industry 4.0 applications.

Omron is expanding its IO-Link sensor seriesprimarily in photoelectric and proximity sensors.Equipped with an individual identification confirmation feature and unique ability to detect abnormalities and monitor situations, Omron’s IO-Link sensorsdeliver solutions thatshorten downtime, lower frequency of sudden failures, and increase efficiency in changing arrangements. This enables smarter production facilities by collecting criticaldata for stable facility operations, with PLCs and other superior controllers, via EtherCAT through a master unit.

IO-Link Overview

IO-Link is the first standardized IO technology worldwide (IEC 61131-9) for communication with sensors and actuators. The powerful point-to-point communication is based on the long established 3-wire sensor and actuator connection using existing cables.

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