Electronics Component

Low power MCU doubles battery life

Low power MCU doubles battery life_popup

Seiko Epson (Epson) has recently announced the release of the S1C31W74, that is its first product in a series of energy-efficient microcontrollers (MCUs) which has been integrated 32-bit Flash memory. This  S1C31 family of MCUs was created to get the best of the performance and efficiency that could extend the battery life of the devices. Basically it will be dealing with the mobile devices and its battery. These are the first ever Epson MCU that is logically based on the ARM cortex M0+ processor and is claimed to be the most efficient of all.

The S1C31W74, will be  featureing and operating at a range of  1.8 to 3.6V and consumes 900nA in RTC mode and 150µA/MHz in RUN mode, it is thus  claimed to operate up to two times longer on battery power than an Epson original core 32-bit Flash MCU.

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