Electronics Component

Graphene, GaSe combo has ‘promising properties’

Researchers at Aalto University have recently taken over the job to fabricate a electricity inducing material that will be highly promising in its properties . This product is prepared by merging the grphene and gallium selenide to create a heterojunction.

While many 2D structures that combine with graphene have been fabricated manually, the structure developed by Riikonen and his colleagues uses elements from lateral and vertical device design, which is said to enable the use of standard semiconductor fabrication methods. This inspiration they got from the already exiting silicon technology , they just wanted to induce the 2D material design to the same as per eh researchers Wonjae Kim. Not only it is simpler way to manufacture and design these products it is also having really good characteristics such as  the on/off ratio – a critical parameter in electronics – is more than 10³.

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