
Odd Even Formula: Nearly 10 lakh private vehicles to stay off roads leading to reduction in traffic flow

There are recorded over 19 lakh private vehicles that are running on the roads of Delhi and almost half of these will soon go off road on alternate days from January 1 according to the new ODD and EVEN car days rule.  Only 10 lakh private cars will work on daily basis on the roads of Delhi according to this odd even formula , to reduce traffic and also the increasing high level of the pollution in the city . Registration of new Diesel vehicles have also been eliminated from now onward. This step has been taken up by the AAP government and the delhi’s CM  Arvind Kejriwal for the betterment of the people.

According to a study in IIT Kanpur it was found theta the vehicle emission is making capital’s air almost abysmally poor and hazardous specially in the month of winter. Arvind Kejriwal is yet planning to decide over this policy to restrict the number of large four wheelers entering in thecity like Noida, Gurgaon, faridabad and Sonipat. The government is also planning to decide over the 57 lakh bikes and scooters running in the city.


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