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Ridgetop Group, Inc. Announces the Appointment of New President and CEO, L. Thomas Heiser

Ridgetop Group, Inc. is pleased to announce Mr. L. Thomas Heiser as its next president and CEO, effective June 4, 2018.

In making the announcement, current Ridgetop President and CEO Mr. Doug Goodman stated, “Tom’s background in the commercial sector is ideal to support Ridgetop’s product line roadmap. The company has spent the past several years developing and refining its industry-leading software and hardware solutions that reduce costs and improve equipment availability. This development effort in IoT for the Industrial Internet has positioned Ridgetop Group for its next phase of rapid deployment and growth, especially in the transportation and aerospace sectors. Mr. Heiser’s expertise, background, and industry contacts will help us transition to this next phase and prepare Ridgetop Group for further growth. We are glad that Tom chose to join us and lead the company to the next level.”

Mr. Heiser joins Ridgetop Group with more than 35 years of experience in the electronics industry, having spent 30+ years at Hitachi in various executive roles. Most recently Mr. Heiser led Hitachi High Technologies Systems Products Division and business development group. Mr. Heiser has led global sales, manufacturing, and business development initiatives inside of Hitachi and will bring that expertise to Ridgetop Group. According to Mr. Heiser, who is extremely excited about joining Ridgetop Group and moving the company into the future, “My focus will be on strong revenue growth, focusing on expansion into more commercial areas and establishing a beachhead on the East Coast in support of our future plans. Georgia, and Atlanta in particular, is a hotbed of activity in Cyber-Security. With Ridgetop Group’s current product line-up and expertise, the founders and I felt it was critical to establish an initial presence here. Not only to be part of that cyber community, but also to take advantage of the talent that will be attracted to the Atlanta area. Ridgetop’s Founder, Doug Goodman, has a history at Georgia Tech and I feel we need to leverage all of our connections to expand our business. Finally, due to our military business, we also have a need to be on the East Coast regularly and therefore Atlanta is a great place to do business and center our eastern U.S. activities.”

Mr. Goodman will continue with the company as chief engineer. In this role he will help Mr. Heiser with transitions of innovative technology from military to commercial applications, and insuring that Ridgetop maintains its “Engineering Innovation” culture and extends its lead in technology far into the future.

Ridgetop is a privately held AS9100D-certified company, and an innovative producer of advanced equipment-health monitoring tools supporting Condition Based Maintenance (CBM+) and specialized semiconductor reliability characterization systems. Ridgetop has specialized in the development of advanced diagnostic methodologies and products, CBM+, and Prognostic Health Management (PHM), ensuring precise identification and isolation of system anomalies, advance notice of impending systems failure at the integrated device level, and both hardware and software for mission critical systems for avionics, rolling stock, and energy applications.

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