
DIN rail-mounted power supplies by Traco

Explore the capabilities of power supplies from the TBL, TBLC, TIB and TIS series.

  • TBL series
  • TBLC series power supplies
  • TIB Traco Power series
  • TIS series power supplies by Traco

One of the regular and essential elements of any industrial installation is the power supply unit. Designers of such systems most often use power supplies that can be mounted on a DIN rail. This is mainly for two reasons – the professional nature of such constructions and the versatility of the DIN rail in electrical cabinets. Not only a power supply can be placed on it, but also other components of industrial automation, such as protective devices, PLCs or any other devices placed in an enclosure that is compatible with the DIN standard.

When choosing the right power supply for the installation, one should pay attention to several issues, so that the chosen device can work smoothly. The most important are, of course, output voltage, maximum output current and power rating. These parameters have to be chosen in such a way that the PSU can easily supply power to other components of the installation. It is also worth paying attention to the supply voltage, because not every power supply is dedicated to 230V installations. Especially in Japanese companies, you can come across the so-called “Japanese voltage”, which is 100-110V. Another important issue is also the physical size of the power supply – it is worth checking that in advance, so that later we can avoid a situation in which the purchased piece of equipment is too large and impossible to fit in the electrical cabinet. Another important parameter of the power supply is its efficiency.

If you are looking for a suitable DIN rail-mounted power supply, you may be interested in the range of products offered by Traco Power, one of the leading manufacturers specializing in industrial power supplies since 1944.

TBL series

The TBL series features small-sized Traco Power power supplies designed specifically for building and factory automation systems. The ultra-compact, low-profile enclosures fit into standard control cabinets or wall-mounted switchboards. Depending on a model, TBL series devices with power ranging from 12W to as much as 150W are equipped with outputs rated at 5V, 12V and 24V, which can be slightly adjusted. The output current also depends on the particular model and ranges from 0.63A to 10A. The power supplies can operate at temperatures spanning from -25°C to 70°C, and they offer the efficiency of 73% to 87%. The voltage we need to feed to the power supply also falls in a fairly wide range from 85V AC to 264V AC, where the exact value depends on the model. The TBL Traco Power series products do not need to be earthed, as they are class II devices in terms of protection.


TBL015-124 power supply

TBLC series power supplies


TBLC50-124 power supply

The industrial DIN power supplies from the TBLC series  are also small-sized constructions whose dimensions comply with the DIN 43 880 norm. They are slightly cheaper than the TBL series and their electrical parameters are similar. The output voltage, which is slightly adjustable, is also 5V, 12V or 24V. The maximum output current ranges from 0.25A to 7.5A. The operating temperature range of the TBLC series is identical to that of the TBL and spans from -25°C to 70°C, while the efficiency of the power supplies ranges from 73% to 90%. The devices from this series offer a very wide and universal power supply voltage, from 85V AC to 264V AC, so we don’t have to worry about the factory power standard.  TBLC Traco Power power supplies are class II devices in terms of protection, so they do not need to be earthed.

TIB Traco Power series

TIB power supplies can be defined by two words – power and performance. Their voltage ratings are 12V, 24V or 48V, with maximum currents ranging from 1.7A to 20A, resulting in devices having power ranging from 80W to as much as 480W. The power supplies can operate in temperatures ranging from -40°C to 70°C, with efficiency ranging from 88% to 90%, depending on the model. Like the TBLC series products, the TBI power supplies have a very wide input voltage tolerance, ranging from 85V AC to 264V AC. In addition, the devices have the IEC/EN 60950-1, UL 60950-1 and UL 508 safety certificates.


TIB240-148EX power supply

An interesting feature of the TIB series power supplies is the ability to work with a power increased up to 150% for 4 seconds. Thanks to that, they can be easily applied in automation systems based on actuators or motors with inrush current. In addition, the power supplies are equipped with an active PFC system. It is a system that, in real time, adjusts the power supply to the conditions in the electrical network and to the load.

TIS series power supplies by Traco Power


TIS300-172 power supply

The last series by Traco Power are the TIS power supplies, which are slightly larger in size and offer greater power rating, from 50W to 600W. Their output voltage is, depending on the model, 12V, 24V, 48V or 72V, with rated currents from 1.5A to 24A. The output voltage value, as in the other series of this manufacturer, can be slightly adjusted. The efficiency of the power supplies is 85% or 90% and they can operate in temperatures ranging from -25°C to 70°C. The power supply range is a universal 93V AC to 264V AC, but this series also includes models with a slightly narrower range, adapted to specific regions and voltage standards. The TIS series by Traco Power can easily cooperate with other functional modules – for example, with the UDS module, the device can be upgraded to a DC-UPS power supply with automatic battery backup. This function is very often required in applications where time-delayed shutdown of production systems is necessary. Due to the class I protection, the TIS power supplies require earth connection.

Text prepared by Transfer Multisort Elektronik Sp. z o.o.

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