ROHM Semiconductor

ROHM Joins the Global RE100 Initiative

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Targeting zero carbon emissions by 2050 by implementing 100% renewable energy in all business operations

ROHM is pleased to announce that it has joined RE100 (100% Renewable Electricity), an international corporate initiative with the goal of ensuring that 100% of the electricity used in business operations comes from renewable energy sources.

ROHM promotes environmental management both in Japan and overseas based on its “Environmental Vision 2050” formulated in April 2021, striving to reduce environmental impact by pursuing “virtually zero greenhouse gas emission” and “zero emissions” by 2050. As one of the specific measures, ROHM announced its medium-term management plan “Moving Forward to 2025” in May of the same year, stipulating that all power used in business activities both in Japan and overseas be generated from 100% renewable energy sources (i.e. hydroelectric, geothermal, solar power) by 2050.

Currently, based on this medium-term management plan, ROHM is gradually increasing the amount of renewable energy used, and as of FY2021 its main business domestic sites (Kyoto Station Building and Shin-Yokohama Station Building) as well as major SiC wafer production facilities (Germany plant, new SiC building in Fukuoka, Japan) are using 100% renewable energy. What’s more, from FY2022 its main production base outside Japan, in Thailand, is scheduled to be powered by 100% renewable energy.

ROHM will continue to promote sustainability management in line with its corporate objectives and management vision along with technological innovation in power and analog products, which are key devices for improving efficiency, while actively engaging in a variety of environmental conservation activities and environmental investments – including not only climate change but also resource recycling and coexistence with nature – in accordance with its newly established environmental vision to achieve a sustainable society.


Environmental Vision 2050


Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction Targets

  • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1+2) by 50.5% by FY2030 compared to FY2018
  • Achieve virtually zero greenhouse gas emissions (Scope 1+2) by FY2050

Scope 1: Direct emissions from facilities owned or controlled by ROHM

Scope 2: Indirect emissions from the production of energy purchased by ROHM

Renewable Energy Introduction Plan

  • By FY2030 utilize renewable energy for 65% of the power used inall business activities
  • By FY2050 utilize renewable energy for 100% of the power used inall business activities

ROHM Initiatives to Reduce Environmental Impact

The ROHM Group is actively promoting the use of renewable energy and the introduction of environmentally friendly production facilities to reduce the environmental impact of all business activities. For example, ROHM Hamamatsu in Shizuoka prefecture installed a solar power generation system in FY2017. A 270-meter array of solar panels mounted on the south side of the plant parallel to the Shinkansen bullet train tracks generates an estimated 363MWh of electricity per year. In addition, the new building in ROHM-Wako Electronics (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd., which is scheduled for completion in FY2023, is expected to reduce CO2 emissions by about 15% compared to the existing building by making full use of the latest production equipment and inverter technology.

The introduction of renewable energy began in FY2019 at ROHM Apollo’s Chikugo plant (Fukuoka prefecture), and the amount of electricity has been increased in stages. The new SiC power device production building completed in FY2020, is an environmentally friendly plant with the installation of latest equipment using energy-saving technology and 100% renewable energy for power consumption. And since FY2021 SiCrystal GmbH (Germany), which manufactures SiC wafers, has been 100% powered by renewable energy, so that all electricity used in the main production process of SiC wafer manufacturing has been powered by renewable energy. At around the same time, its main offices in Japan (Kyoto Station Building and Shin-Yokohama Station Building) made the switch to 100% renewable energy, and outside Japan ROHM Integrated Systems Thailand will be supplied by 100% renewable energy from FY2022. To achieve 100% adoption throughout the ROHM Group, ROHM plans on gradually introducing this system at domestic and overseas from FY2023 and beyond.

Going forward, the ROHM Group will continue to work to reduce the environmental burden of manufacturing while contributing to a decarbonized society by supplying products that minimize environmental impact utilizing renewable energy and other resources.


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