According to the latest research obesity is seen more common in the people who are highly educated in the poorer countries against rich countries where obesity is more common in the lesser educated. Jonas MinetKinge associate professor of University of Oslo in Norway said “ When countries grows rich they changes their living condition that affects the weight.”
as all know that if people are lower educated in poorer countries than they have limited resources and thus had a control over excess food consumption, and regulates more demanding exercise schedule. Thus obesity was greatly reduced .this new study aims at exploring new assumptions that could lead to obesity linked Gross Domestic Product GDP and education together. In this study a total of 70 countries were included. And the results clearly shows that there is a strong link between education and obese people and GDP.
Obesity increases with increasing GDP but associated with persons with lower education only. This was more remarkable among the women than in men. It is to be noted that in rich countries with educated people they are more open to an environment equipped with technology and services, and can easily afford calorie rich foods. This definitely boost the prevalence of obesity in them in Higher GDP countries.