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Mouser Electronics Ready for Future of India Electronics Industry


Techmezine interacted with Mark Burr-Lonnon (Senior Vice President of Mouser Global Sales and Service & EMEA and APAC Business ) about EV industry ,market growth in India.

Techmezine:  Please tell me about Mouser Electronics?

Ans :  Mouser Electronics is a worldwide leading authorized distributor of semiconductors and electronic components with widest selection in the industry. We specialize in the newest products and technologies for electronic design engineers and buyers, offering an extensive line card that includes semiconductors, interconnects, passives, and more from over 800 leading manufacturers. Mouser has 27 locations located strategically around the globe, doing business in 17 different languages and 27 currencies. Our global headquarters and distribution center in Texas, USA, features a wireless warehouse management system that is streamlined for nearly perfect pick-and-ship operations, delivering a 5-Sigma confidence rating, better than 99%. At Mouser, our commitment to unsurpassed service and customer support knows no boundaries. 

Techmezine: What is your Say on the growing electronics components market In India?

Ans: The current market for electronic components in India results from accelerated local manufacturing of electronic products to meet domestic demand. This includes the adoption of high-end technology devices and technology-driven transformation such as the rollout of 5G networks and the increasing demands of Internet of Things (IoT) applications. Add to that policy and incentive boosts from the government, including government initiatives like Digital India, Smart Cities, plus wider broadband connectivity, e-governance, and economic stimulus packages. Growth of the electronics products industry has started driving the expansion of the electronic components industry as well. 

India is one of the fastest growing economies in the world, with ample opportunity in the semiconductors market. From the product and market trend prospective, 5G and artificial intelligence (AI) will continue to drive the market demands, especially with government showing interest in 5G deployment. As a result, our RF product lines are experiencing significant demand across the board, including RF power transistors, RF filters, and specialist RF interconnects. We also expect to see growth coming from microprocessors and microcontrollers, analog, and interconnect. 

Techmezine:   What do you think about the EV industry?

Ans: The electric vehicle (EV) market has witnessed rapid evolution in addition to ongoing development in automotive sectors. Demand for semiconductors in the automotive environment is heating up, as is interest in power technology that enables longer driving ranges between charges, faster battery charging times, and increased electronic integration for infotainment, safety, and security. Whether hybrid electric or powered by battery only, vehicle systems require semiconductors. And Mouser stocks the latest products from top automotive semiconductor manufacturers like Infineon Technologies, STMicroelectronics, and NXP Semiconductors.

Techmezine:   How do you ensure best service support (Pre-sales & After-sales) to your customers?

Ans:Mouser proudly delivers service excellence to engineers and purchasing professionals around the world. Our customer service and technical support teams are available to assist with all types of requests, including price quotes, order placement and order status, real-time product availability, and more. We strive to achieve a strong balance of speed and efficiency to provide our customers with best-in-class service, and offer a full suite of online productivity tools, including the FORTE intelligent BOM tool and Price and Availability Assistant.

Additionally, Mouser is registered to AS9100D/ISO9001:2015 and is the first authorized distributor to receive SAE AS6496 accreditation for anti-counterfeit measures. Having these aerospace registrations reflects a commitment to distributing only authorized, genuine components with the least risk of forgery.

Techmezine: What is a key marketing activity your company undertakes in India?

Ans: Mouser is dedicated to delivering best-in-class service to customers throughout India by consistently providing the newest and most advanced technologies. As a part of our ongoing commitment to strengthening ties with India, we have joined the India Electronics and Semiconductor Association (IESA), the premier body for electronic design and manufacturing in the country. We remove the complexities in procuring electronics components required for research and development, helping to accelerate India’s manufacturing segment. 

Techmezine:  How does Mouser build the brand in India?

Answer: Mouser believes in being glocal — that is, global with a local presence — to offer our customers best-in-class service, and that extends to our business in India. Our Bangalore location provides India’s engineers with our exceptional customer service in local language and currency. Through events and other outreach, Mouser is enabling new business opportunities for the Indian semiconductor market, showcasing the world-class Indian semiconductor market.

Techmezine:  Can you highlight your current growth rate and future predictions Of India?

Answer:    Our business in India has grown between 30 and 35 percent for the past five years, except for a slight dip in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Indian market is important to Mouser strategically, and by the end of 2020 we are planning to double the size of our team in Bangaluru to over 400 employees. 

Our India office provides many internal and customer-facing services, including IT, back-end services, product content, internet business, technical marketing, human resources, finance, quote and technical support, global sales operations, sales and service. The region has highly qualified professionals who are passionate about electronics and who bring the required skillsets to Mouser. Our professionals in India work closely with our global teams and manufacturer partners to grow our business in the country

Mouser is strongly poised for the digital future with our industry-leading website, available in 63 country subdomains, 20 languages, and 27 currencies. Over half of our business today comes via the internet, so we continue to expand with search enhancements, buying tools and technical resources to make ordering faster and easier than ever. In these ways, Mouser’s efforts strongly coincide with India’s current initiatives, such as Digital India and “vocal for local.”


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